Februari 27, 2011

Silap tunggu....

Sebaik sahaja sampai di Lapangan terbang Pengkalan Chepa...saya pun terus cari kereta UiTM. Kereta ada tapi driver tak ada pulak...mana pulak driver ni?

Lepas 5 minit...masuk balik ke arrival hall...cari driver...nampaklah seorang ni, mungkin yang ini kot..Saya pun berani kan diri.."pemandu UiTM ke.., tunggu saya kan, Zuhaina" . pak cik tu macam terkejut..."dale bore tu tak jelah...ingat ko lelaki...Dr Zakaria"

Ha ha ha...patutlah dia buat selamba je....yang ditunggunya lain...

Februari 02, 2011

Remove System Tool, removal instructions

Remove System Tool, removal instructions

Alhamdulillah, after 3 hours...my lap top return to normal state. Not sure how it happened, but my lap top was infected by a spyware called system tool. Luckily I found this article and followed the instructions

urban muslim?

I cannot help but stared at a group of Malay girls outside the supermarket. They look like Malay and sound like Malay and chances are they are Muslim too.

One of them were smoking, another 2 wore micro mini shorts....
I'm not a conservative person.....but there are things that I cannot tolerate.....

Ya Allah...please guide them to the right path...